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Park NX10 SICM

The new standard for nanoscale imaging in aqueous environments

The integration of the SICM and Park NX10 AFM system from Park Systems allows researchers to expand the depth of their research and easily perform nanoscale imaging in aqueous environments.
You can the advantages of SICM head also on NX10 AFM.

Park SICM Technology. Truly non-invasive in-liquid imaging with SICM

  • Park SICM uses nanopipettes
    In Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy developed by Park Systems (Park SICM), a glass nanopipette filled with an electrolyte acts as an ion sensor that provides feedback on its location relative to a sample completely immersed in liquid. The pipette tip maintains its distance from the sample by keeping the ionic current constant. In comparison, AFM typically relies on interaction of forces between its probe tip and the sample. The pipette has an inner diameter about 100 nanometers, made of glass.
  • No Force, Non-Contact imaging in Liquid
    The Park SICM operates in liquid without making physical contact with the sample. Electrodes on either side of the sample and pipette produce ionic current that flows through the surrounding solution. A sensor measures the current flow, which decreases as the distance between the pipette and sample becomes smaller, and monitors the distance between the pipette and the sample to obtain the topology.
  • Automation for easier scanning
  • Steady pipette probe-sample distance control in nanoscale
    By automatically refreshing its reference value before approaching each pixel, the stopping height of the pipette near the sample surface is not influenced by set-point drift.
  • Current-Distance(I-D) Spectroscopy
    Acquiring Current-Distance Curve of SICM on the way of pipette approach (vertical direction movement) toward sample surface is beneficial to elucidate various biological and chemical phenomena in aqueous environment. Acquiriring the current-distance curve at multiple positions so that the researcher can reach to a deeper level understanding for biological and chemical reaction research.
Park NX10 SICM Module
  • High speed Z-scanner with 15 μm scan range
  • Low noise Z position sensors
  • Low ionic current noise level of Park internal current amplifier
  • Intuitive Pipette Holder of SICM head with Exchange Kit
  • Faraday cage for stable SICM operation
    Designed exclusively for Park NX10 SICM platform, the faraday cage effectively protects the pipette, head, and XY scanner from interference, providing a more stable scan environment.
  • Cell Biology
    Cell morphology imaging, nano biopsy and injection
  • Analytical Chemistry
    Electrochemical reaction imaging by integration of scanning electrochemical microscopy
  • Electrophysiology
    Ion channel detection together with patch clamping
  • Neuroscience
    High resolution imaging of single neuron integrated with patch clamping